A Day With Me In Recruitment Marketing

Sonali Saikia
6 min readApr 11, 2022

Explore the modern recruitment buzz terms and learn how to build a positive Employer Brand.

We must have all heard this famous quote “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” which I thought was overly hyped, like who really loves their jobs so much! Well, that’s until I gradually started to pursue my career in something which held my interest and eventually gave me a purpose to wake up each morning to improve and grow in that area.

The same goes for everyone with their respective pursuits. My mother is a teacher and presently, it’s her 26th glorious year in service. While I still find that bedazzling glow of excitement in her whenever she gets ready to head to her workspace.

“To become a good recruiter, you need to become a better Marketer”

Also, I think in this digital day and age when it comes to Recruitment, if you don’t see yourself as an approachable marketer, you might be in the wrong profession. Aren’t you the one who communicates the most with your audience?

To put forward, just think of all the job applicants as valuable customers whom you need to attract to your company. At times even if they do not fulfil or clear the recruitment rounds, you still need to respond and build a rapport with them so as to keep the doors open in your database for future hirings or for receiving referrals, which altogether makes your job 3x easier.

Hence, responding to candidates’ queries with humbleness and respect, regular follow-ups with the interview panels and the candidates for the scheduled interviews, sharing honest feedback, and sourcing for quality resources as per openings are just a few of the roles played by a Recruiter.

How do you source them? By simply posting the openings on social platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, AngelList Talent, Hirect, Indeed, etc. and on the company website.

Gone are the days when we knew that the PR professionals, Sales representatives and creative Marketers would connect only with the audience. Today, anyone who has access to Social Media can easily connect and build a community through platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Eventually, they can build their company’s image by promoting their own personal brand and then transforming into the Face or Voice of the company.

As a recruiter, you should try to become the Brand Ambassador of the company and inspire others from the team to advocate more about your company. This helps people to easily identify your brand and get a grasp of who and what the company does. Lastly, the provision of a seamless and hassle-free candidate experience during recruitment enhances the overall image of job seekers.

Here are a few simple hacks as to how you as recruiters can build a positive brand image for your company:

  • Avoiding ghosting by keeping the candidates updated and informed is the primary sign of transparent and positive work culture.
  • Sending rejection emails as well as offer emails.
  • Time is precious so managing interviews in an efficient manner is where you need to play your part to help to conduct the recruitment rounds as per requirements.
  • Answering candidates’ doubts and queries.
  • Inviting and promoting Referrals with exciting Referral Programs in your company.

Employer branding vs. Recruitment Marketing

While the above terms are closely interconnected and are used interchangeably as both have to do with your company’s reputation. However, in simplest terms, the difference is:

  • Employer Branding refers to the process of defining and positioning your employer brand (Employer Brand here refers to your company’s reputation as an employer)

Employer Branding improves the three most crucial hiring metrics: time-to-hire, cost-per-hire and quality-of-hire, time-to-hire and cost-per-hire. According to a recent LinkedIn survey, companies with strong Employer Brands see almost 50% more qualified applicants.

  • Recruitment Marketing is the process of promoting and communicating your company by creating recruiting content and sharing it across the company’s website portal and other social channels.

The main goal of Recruitment Marketing is to deliver the right message in front of the right audience to drive the right candidates as per requirements.

You must always keep in mind that Employer Branding comes first followed by Recruitment Marketing. Hence, before you start promoting your Employer’s Brand, it is essential to articulate a clear and precise definition for your brand or else the brand may seem inconsistent in the eyes of your candidates.

In this digital era, job postings simply do not suffice to attract the best of talents as in today’s job market, the candidates have ample options to choose from. Consequently, you need to brainstorm and put forward a competitive advantage over other companies that are looking for similar talent.

So how do you market your brand as superior to others and attract those talents? Here are some valuable strategies to help your company recruit and retain talent despite the tough competition:

  1. Make work-life balance a priority.

Now that you’ve filled the vacancies and hired the candidates, what’s next? Your task isn’t done yet if you aren’t capable of assisting new hires in achieving the workspace they have always desired. Candidates in today’s job market are searching for a workplace that will allow them to not only upskill their skills but also attain physical and mental well-being. You must make an effort to assist them in both good and difficult times since they will be the company’s future voices.

2. Offer a competitive wage and enticing perks.

Companies should match market-rate compensation with a robust benefits package when aiming to improve employee recruitment and retention success. Employees desire extra advantages, such as excellent maternity and paternity breaks, a flexible work culture, and more, in addition to work-life balance.

When interesting team trips, lunches, and games are included in hectic work schedules, workers feel invigorated and encouraged to head to work with a smile every day.

3. Give your employees a voice

Do you want your new recruits to stick with the company for a long, fruitful period of time? It’s about giving people a voice to express themselves about their challenges, not simply their preferred paychecks, by allowing them to speak with senior management about new changes they wish to see in your company. We must try to keep the team well-informed, acknowledge their contributions, and ensure that they feel heard.

Employees who feel heard at work are roughly five times more likely to feel empowered to achieve at their highest level as your employees should be your brand champions, actively advocating for your organization on a routine basis.

4. Articulate your unique brand story

Your brand is who you are, what you do, and how you can help others. Precisely, it’s the story of your brand’s existence and it is considered the best way to bridge the gap with transparency and cultivate a healthy work culture. Unfortunately, many brands focus their corporate storytelling on product features, missing a huge opportunity to make an impact.

Employer branding comes into play here to project the proper image and recruit the right people. You must be able to give thorough information about what your organisation is doing to set itself out from the competition as a tech recruiter.

5. Facilitate a speedy hiring process

In today’s candidate-driven market, businesses must respond promptly to prevent losing out on top talent. Accelerating the total hiring process, rather than spending weeks organising interviews or debriefing with internal stakeholders, is key to talent acquisition success.

When a candidate applies for one of your vacant positions, contact them to conduct preliminary screenings and interviews. To reduce the chances of alternative offers being evaluated, make sure your job seekers’ attention is fully captivated throughout the recruitment cycle.


Well, since this blog was to share a glimpse of a day in life as a recruiter, here it is — I couldn’t find a better way to portray it than this short video.

Hope you like it and hope I could radiate some of my fun energy and wisdom to you through this short blog; oops, which is not short anymore!

I have created a new YouTube channel to support my stories on Medium with exciting and intuitive professional tips. Do show some love and support:)

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Sonali Saikia

Marketing Consultant / A soulful listener & thinker / Growing with Buzzit Marketing Studio 🐝✨